Siirler Amerikan Edebiyatı Edgar Allan Poe Impromptu - To Kate Carol
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Impromptu - To Kate Carol

Şair: Edgar Allan Poe • Eklenme Tarihi: 04.05.2014 • Görüntüleme: 2.879

When from your gems of thought I turn
To those pure orbs, your heart to learn,

Edgar Allan Poe, Impromptu - To Kate Carol, American author, poet, editor and literary critic, American Romantic Movement, Amerikalı yazar, şair, editör ve edebiyat eleştirmeni, Amerikan romantik akımı.

Impromptu - To Kate Carol

When from your gems of thought I turn 
To those pure orbs, your heart to learn, 
I scarce know which to prize most high — 
The bright i-dea, or the bright dear-eye.